Bandak Family

This site is a humble effort by Fadi Bandak for the sake of Documenting some of my Family's prominent People

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lily the living legend

Lily is real living legend in the Bandak family she is a great human before being a great professional photographer her soul is so strong , and her will is hard enough to continue the long Journey she started with her photography she carried her message with continuous productive soul that never bent by the obstacles she faced before and even after she was diagnosed with MS disease which made her sit on a wheelchair for the rest of her life

Recently Lily came to UAE to find her a new venue for a productive world that she can open for herself a new chance towards achieving her long term dream of creating the seed of an Initiative for the rights of the disabled people in the Arab world , it's not easy but there should be someone who stops damning the darkness and light a candle of hope andr Lily against all the odds she is decided to do it , she is trying to bring what Justin Dart did for the disabled Americans ...

This year Lily came from Delaware to make 3 Exhibitions in the UAE one of them under Rehab Dubai at the World Trade Centre , and the other two in ABU-Dhabi one of them in Zayed University and the other one in the Cultural Centre in Abu-Dhabi

Her aim is to promote for her next big aim , to have the cahnce of participating in China's Olympic games which will have a special venue for the disabled professionals
When I heard that Lily is coming the UAE i was happy cause I wanted to see her long time ago since 1997 when she made her last visit to Amman Jordan and I was busy with my Last year school studies , but now I said to myself I must get to know this spirit that is standing like a beacon in the mid of the dark seas of our lives , and learn from her free spirit which lies deep within her mind ....she is optimist to the end of optimism , can you Imagine that MS let her neck and up function and she is still determined to lead an extraordinary life , full of achievements , It's true challenge that must be learnt from ....a living legend like her must have a book if not more to inspire not only the disabled people but the normal ones leading a life even less productive than her....

Monday, September 17, 2007

Bandak Family Group on the Facebook "Bandak United"

If you are from the Bandak Family , or from Bethlehem add yourself to this Group

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dr.Abdalla Bandak the Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Abdalla Bandak, 44, is a board-certified plastic surgeon at VCU Medical Center, and an assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at VCU. Dr. Bandak finished his general surgery training at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, and completed a fellowship in breast reconstruction and microsurgery before moving to Richmond. He did his plastic surgery training here in Richmond at VCU. Dr. Bandak has been practicing plastic surgery for the last 10 years, and specializes in microsurgery, breast surgery, and cosmetic surgery.

In the past Dr. Bandak has volunteered his expertise to less medically advanced countries; including Guatemala and Palestine. He also volunteers at his church, St. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Dr. Bandak is married to Bernarda, also a VCU alum. He is the father of three: Zack, 16; Samer, 11 and Catherine, 7. The Bandaks live in Midlothian.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Amal Bandak the Pediatrican

Dr.Amal George Bandak is a very active member , very effective and positive energy

Infuser into any person she deals with , always ready to give from her heart

She has so away from being selfish , generous , and passionate , loving and caring

Person Other than being a Human Doctor she is a terrific person to deal with .

Amal Bandak, Ph.D., RN.

Current Position:

  • Associate Director for Nursing and Patients’ Affairs

Previous Position:

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Jordan


  • Bachelor degree in Nursing, University of Jordan
  • Master degree in Pediatric Nursing (Pediatric rehabilitation), University of Alexandria, Egypt
  • Ph. D. In Parent-Child Nursing with Research Methodology as a minor specialty, University of Pittsburgh, USA


  • Scholarship for higher education abroad from the University of Jordan

Areas of Professional Interest:

  • Research that mainly focuses on:
    • Pediatric oncology
    • Nursing quality care
    • Staff development.
  • Patients and family counseling
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Teaching

Lily Bandak the Photographer

Lily Bandak
ليلي البندك

Lily Bandak was born in Amman, Jordan and went to grade school in Bethlehem on the West Bank. She has lived in the US since 1960 residing in Newark, Delaware. She was educated at the Académie De La Grande Chaumiér in Paris, The Philadelphia College of Art, The University of Delaware and the Antonelli College of Photography.

Her work with major public figures in the Middle East has included assignments as the personal photographer of Mrs. Anwar Sadat and the King and Queen of Jordan. She has also had the opportunity to photograph Yasser Arafat and Mrs. Hariri. In 1978, Ms. Bandak was invited by the government of Egypt to document the people and monuments of that country. These photographs were exhibited in Egypt, Washington DC and across the US They were later compiled into a book, "Images of Egypt". She has also exhibited at the World Trade Center in New York City, in Washington DC at the Capital Rotunda, Los Angeles, and at the Paralympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996 where Prince Raad opened her exhibition. She has done many other exhibits around the world. She was the first photographer to have work accepted into the permanent collection of the White House during the Carter administration.

In the early eighties, Ms. Bandak's career was in full swing. She was showing her work internationally, including an exhibit at the California Museum of Science and Industry that was seen by more than a third of a million people in four weeks. In 1983 she opened a photo-journalism department at Yarmouk University in Jordan and began to teach photography.

Soon after this, in 1984 Ms. Bandak was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and stopped working due to her physical disability. For several years, she fought the disease and searched many countries, including: the US; China (for acupuncture and herbs); Europe; Africa; and the Middle East for a cure. After doubting that she would ever be able to return to the work she loved, because of her severe physical disability caused by her illness, she learned of the existence of Vocational Rehabilitation, a Federal program that assists the disabled in returning to work through modern technology. She designed a camera mount to be attached to her wheelchair which makes it possible for her to return to work.

In 1994, Ms. Bandak founded the Bandak Foundation. The Bandak Foundation encourages people with disabilities to enter into the work force and integrate into society. In November of 1995, Ms. Bandak., on the invitation by Her Majesty, Queen Noor and King Hussein of Jordan, she traveled and photographed in Jordan. She also traveled to Bahrain on the invitation of the Ministry of Information of Bahrain, and to Lebanon on the invitation of the World Rehabilitation Fund.

Ms. Bandak was invited back to Jordan by Her Majesty Queen Noor, to Lebanon by Bahia Hariri and to Bahrain by the Ministry of Labor to exhibit her new work from the wheelchair. The invitation from both dignitaries and the Bandak Foundation's wishes are that there would be more support leaders from the Arab world.

In August 1996, Ms. Bandak was chosen to participate at the Cultural Paralympiad to exhibit her photographs of the Arab World in Atlanta, Georgia by the Very Special Arts, and the Cultural Paralympic Committee.

In November of 1996, Ms. Bandak had an exhibition under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan and in March of 1997 she had an exhibition of her work in Lebanon on the invitation of Ms. Bahia Hariri of the Hariri Foundation. She exhibited her work at the Very Special Arts Gallery, the Capitol Rotunda, and at the US Arab Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC, in 1996. Her work was most recently on display from November through December, 1997 at the University of Delaware.

For many years Ms. Bandak stopped working due to her deteriorating physical condition. In 2004, Ms. Bandak’s work of Palestinian National Dress was placed in the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. In 2005, Ms. Bandak went to Beijing, China for medical treatments with the financial help of HRH Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. While there, she discussed doing an exhibit of the Arab World she loves. Living in the West for so many years, she realized how little people know about the culture and history of the Middle East and how misunderstood it. Through the project, Lily hopes to demonstrate all of the modern technologies that have been achieved and the advancements of women in the Arab world at the Olympic Games 2008. This type of exhibit has never been done at the Olympic Games before. Since the press will be covering the Olympic Games, it will give great exposure to a part of the world that has not been exposed much culturally.

The 20th Century Prominent Bandak Family Members

Riyad Bandak رياض البندك

(1927) أصله ونشأته: هو الأستاذ رياض بن عيسى بن باسيل البندك، ولد في بيت لحم بفلسطين بتاريخ 4 تموز سنة 1924م ودرس في المدرسة الأميرية وأكمل تعليمه الثانوي في كليتي تيراسانطا والنهضة، تعلق منذ صغره بالفن الموسيقي فكان رئيساً للفرقة الموسيقية المدرسية التي كانت تلقي الأناشيد الوطنية، وكان والده رئيساً للبلدية وزعيم قضاء بيت لحم ينظر إلى الفن والفنانين نظرة خاصة، ويود أن ينصرف ولده عن الموسيقى لإكمال دراسته، وكان الولد مع والده في حرب ضروس من أجل هذه الغاية فقد اختلفا في وجهة النظر واستحال التقارب بينهما، وكان سلطان الأبوة الطبيعي قائماً والكلمة الفاصلة في مثل هذه المواقف للوالد، فكلما استحضر الولد عوداً للعزف عليه حطمه الوالد أمام عينيه وبالرغم من كل ذلك فقد أصر الوالد على رأيه واستمر الولد على عناده وميله إلى الفن، فاضطر لإرساله إلى كلية تيراسانطا الداخلية حيث يخضع فيها إلى نظام شديد لا يستطيع معه الانصراف إلى الموسيقى، ولم يدر في خلد والده أن في الكلية فرقة موسيقية من الطلاب تذيع الأناشيد المدرسية في محطة الإذاعة الفلسطينية في القدس، ودخل المترجم له مع الفريق وبدأ بدراسة النوطة في دورها الابتدائي. نفي والده إلى اليونان: وعلى أثر الثورة التي قامت في فلسطين عام 1938 نفت السلطات الإنكليزية والده إلى اليونان فتنفس الولد الصعداء واستفاد من غياب والده فكان حراً طليقاً يجول في ميدان الفن كما تطيب له هوايته، وأكب على النوطة يدرسها والتمرن بالعزف على آلة العود على نفسه دون أن يلقى الفن على أي مدرس. بدء حياته الفنية: وبدأت حياته الفنية عندما دخل في محطة إذاعة الشرق الأدنى المؤسسة أيام الحرب في مدينة جنين سنة 1940 وكان الموسيقي الوحيد يغني ويعزف على العود فيها. وفي عام 1948م حضر إلى دمشق لوحده قبل مجيء اللاجئين الفلسطينيين فدعاه مدير البرامج في الإذاعة السورية لتقديم بعض ألحانه، وطلب منه التوظف كمراقب فني في الإذاعة ثم عين مديراً فنياً في الإذاعة اللبنانية سنة 1949 وبقي فيها مدة سنة، ثم فاوضته محطة الشرق الأدنى ليرأس الفرقة الموسيقية في محطة إذاعة قبرص فعمل فيها مدة سنة، وبعدها عاد إلى دمشق، ثم عين في دار الإذاعة المؤسسة في رام الله في شرق الأردن واستقام مدة خمسة أشهر وأخيراً عين مراقباً للقسم الموسيقي بدمشق. فنه: يعتبر الأستاذ البندك من الفنانين الموهوبين في التلحين، فقد لحن هذا الفنان ما ينوف عن مئة قطعة غنائية وهي مسجلة في محطات الإذاعة العربية ومحطة لندن، وأشهر قطعاته الغنائية (آه من عينيك) وهي من نظم الأستاذ إبراهيم السمان وتغنيها المطربة المشهورة السيدة ماري جبران وقصيدة (الهمسات) وهي من نظم الأستاذ يوسف البندك ويغنيها المطرب محمد غازي الذي تلقى الفن على المترجم.

About Me

My photo
loves life , adores beauty , and always on the run